
Welcome to the .dungeon//remastered BETA avatar manager and SRD.

Some quick links to pages that probably mostly work most of the time.

Some of these pages have gotten relatively little love and may be re-organized. Quality of life improvements will be made as time allows and generally after all items are feature complete.

TODO: Avatar Manager cloud saving, Avatar manager dice roller, More Tables?, Consolidate Appendix content?, More Browser and Responsive testing

Ozark's Forum Rules

  1. No bigots. No tolerance for the intolerant.
  2. Racism is an auto-ban. No one cares if you're “just joking.”
  3. Trans rights are human rights.
  4. We are strictly anti-facist.
  5. No bootlickers.
  6. Auto-ban for anyone who willingly invades the safe spaces we have set up for a variety of marginalized identities.
  7. If you're questioning whether or not to spoiler-warning something, just do it. This includes images and possibly triggering material.
  8. Forum moderators are not special or given unique privileges. They are the garbage collectors of the site. They clean up messes and help enforce bans. We cycle through moderators every few months.
  9. Similarly, devs are not given special privileges within the community. This is your space. We have our own spaces just for us elsewhere.
  10. We are liberal with the ban button. No one's got time for that.
These rules were originally written by clarence ozark for the .dungeon discussion boards, and have been edited slightly over the years.