Roleplaying Game. What you’re reading now and will be playing soon.
The world of .dungeon. Also the name of the “sad god” in the game’s lore.
Massively Multiplayer Online game. World of Warcraft is probably still the cultural touchstone.
Everything inside the game of .dungeon. The world of the game itself.
“In Real Life.” Everything outside the game. The world we live in right now. The world where we sit to play the game.
The standard set of dice includes a d20, a d12, two d10’s, a d8, a d6, and a d4.
“The Chain.” The set of dice in ascending order, from d4 to d20. Going up the chain means using the next largest dice (you can’t go past a d20). Going down the chain means using the next smallest dice (below a d4 is 0, meaning instant failure).
The people you are playing the game with, either at the table, over voice chat, or through text. Often called “Players,” or “PCs.”
The virtual character you create to explore the virtual world. Exists only in the virtual world.
“Players Unknown.” GM-controlled players. Fictional people who exist IRL and create Avatars to explore the virtual world.
Every object, NPC, and mob in the game. If it’s inside the game, it’s an entity.
Non-Player Characters. Pieces of code within the game with predetermined dialog and interactions. Not real people.
Hostile entities. Monsters. Creatures.
Random Number Generator. A short hand for “random chance” or luck.
Traditionally called a “Class” in RPGs. Grants your avatar bonuses while playing.
An ability that references the real world. The fictional VR headset used to play the game scans you and your environment to allow cross contamination.
The currency of .dungeon.
An expendable resource for travel and upkeep.
An expendable crafting resource.
The cost to use and maintain certain entities like pets, vehicles, and structures.
An entity being attacked by a weapon or spell is that ability’s “target.”
Everything targetable by melee, spell, or ranged attacks.
All entities and spaces that are within melee range of the target.